Updated the doc in 0.8.1.



On Mon, Mar 24, 2014 at 2:44 PM, Guozhang Wang <wangg...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Churu,
> The documentations needs to be updated.
> Basically, you need to specify the producer and consumer config files as
> part of the parameters:
> bin/kafka-run-class.sh kafka.tools.MirrorMaker
> Missing required argument "[consumer.config]"
> Option
> Description
> ------
> -----------
> --blacklist <Java regex (String)>       Blacklist of topics to
> mirror.
> *--consumer.config <config file>         Consumer config to consume from
> a      *
>                                           source cluster. You may
> specify
>                                           multiple of
> these.
> --help                                  Print this
> message.
> --num.producers <Integer: Number of     Number of producer instances
> (default:
>   producers>
> 1)
> --num.streams <Integer: Number of       Number of consumption
> streams.
>   threads>                                (default:
> 1)
> *--producer.config <config file>         Embedded producer
> config.              *--queue.size <Integer: Queue size in    Number of
> messages that are buffered
>   terms of number of messages>            between the consumer and
> producer
>                                           (default:
> 10000)
> --whitelist <Java regex (String)>       Whitelist of topics to
> mirror.
> The configs of producer/consumer can be found here:
> http://kafka.apache.org/documentation.html#configuration
> For most of them you can just go with the defaults, but for some of them
> such as the metadata.broker.list and zookeeper.connect string you are
> required to specify the value.
> Guozhang
> On Mon, Mar 24, 2014 at 2:29 PM, Churu Tang <ct...@rubiconproject.com
> >wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > 1. In documentation 0.8.1, the mirror maker command is:
> > bin/kafka-run-class.sh kafka.tools.MirrorMaker --zookeeper
> > zk_host:port/chroot
> >        --consumer.config consumer-1.properties --consumer.config
> > consumer-2.properties
> >        --producer.config producer.properties --whitelist my-topic
> >
> > However, the zookeeper option seems not allowed.
> > [kafka_2.10-0.8.1]]$ bin/kafka-run-class.sh kafka.tools.MirrorMaker
> > --zookeeper localhost:2181 --consumer.config config/consumer1.properties
> > --producer.config config/producer.properties --whitelist="test"
> > Exception in thread "main" joptsimple.UnrecognizedOptionException:
> > 'zookeeper' is not a recognized option
> >         at
> > joptsimple.OptionException.unrecognizedOption(OptionException.java:93)
> >         at
> > joptsimple.OptionParser.handleLongOptionToken(OptionParser.java:402)
> >         at
> > joptsimple.OptionParserState$2.handleArgument(OptionParserState.java:55)
> >         at joptsimple.OptionParser.parse(OptionParser.java:392)
> >         at kafka.tools.MirrorMaker$.main(MirrorMaker.scala:90)
> >         at kafka.tools.MirrorMaker.main(MirrorMaker.scala)
> >
> > 2. After I remove the zookeeper option, the command seems still not work.
> > I have ensured that the configuration files will direct the consumer to
> the
> > source cluster's ZooKeeper, and the producer to the mirror cluster's
> > ZooKeeper. The following is the output for both target and source
> clusters.
> > Is there any other thing that I need to watch out? Thank you very much!
> >
> > At target side:
> > [kafka_2.10-0.8.1]$ bin/kafka-run-class.sh kafka.tools.MirrorMaker
> > --consumer.config config/consumer1.properties --producer.config
> > config/producer.properties --whitelist="test"
> > SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder".
> > SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation
> > SLF4J: See http://www.slf4j.org/codes.html#StaticLoggerBinder for
> further
> > details.
> >
> > At source zookeeper side:
> > [2014-03-24 14:12:19,285] INFO Accepted socket connection from /
> > (org.apache.zookeeper.server.NIOServerCnxn)
> > [2014-03-24 14:12:19,291] INFO Client attempting to establish new session
> > at / (org.apache.zookeeper.server.NIOServerCnxn)
> > [2014-03-24 14:12:19,295] INFO Established session 0x144f5e0cb510003 with
> > negotiated timeout 6000 for client /
> (org.apache.zookeeper.server.NIOServerCnxn)
> >
> > At source broker side:
> > [2014-03-24 14:12:20,386] INFO Closing socket connection to /
> > (kafka.network.Processor)
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Churu
> >
> >
> >
> --
> -- Guozhang

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