Hi Team,

I test Kafka 0.8.1 and have problems with missing brokers. What I did:

1. Installed Zookeeper 3.3.6 servers on 3 dedicated machines
2. Installed Kafka 0.8.1 brokers on 3 machines (different from Zookeeper
3. Configured brokers as above:
# Replication configurations

# ZK configuration

4.  Started Zookeeper and brokers. Created topics. In Zookeeper client I
ls /brokers/ids
[3, 2, 1]

5. Ran producers and consumers with very low traffic. All worked fine.
6. Increased traffic to ~100 messages per second and the controller
(ID=2 / machine 2) failed with broker on the same machine (I've seen few
times this scenario on my cluster).

My logs as following.
Machine 2:

    Controller ID=2:
    [2014-04-02 10:38:37,152] INFO
    [Controller-2-to-broker-3-send-thread], Starting 
    [2014-04-02 10:42:21,131] INFO [SessionExpirationListener on 2], ZK
    expired; shut down all controller components and try to re-elect
    [2014-04-02 10:42:21,176] INFO [delete-topics-thread], Shutting down

    Server ID=2:
    [2014-04-02 10:38:39,113] INFO Partition [topic1,1] on broker 2:
    Expanding ISR for partition [topic1,1] from 2,1 to 2,1,3
    [2014-04-02 10:38:39,129] INFO Partition [topic2,1] on broker 2:
    Expanding ISR for partition [topic2,1] from 2,1 to 2,1,3
    [2014-04-02 10:38:39,488] INFO Closing socket connection to
    / (kafka.network.Processor)
    [2014-04-02 10:38:45,343] INFO Closing socket connection to
    / (kafka.network.Processor)
    [2014-04-02 10:39:21,842] INFO Closing socket connection to
    / (kafka.network.Processor)
    [2014-04-02 10:41:24,605] INFO Partition [topic3,1] on broker 2:
    Shrinking ISR for partition [topic3,1] from 2,1,3 to 2,1
    [2014-04-02 10:41:26,748] INFO Partition [topic3,1] on broker 2:
    Expanding ISR for partition [topic3,1] from 2,1 to 2,1,3
    [2014-04-02 10:42:22,727] INFO Closing socket connection to
    / (kafka.network.Processor)
    [2014-04-02 10:42:23,181] INFO Closing socket connection to
    / (kafka.network.Processor)
    [2014-04-02 10:42:24,351] INFO Closing socket connection to
    / (kafka.network.Processor)
    [2014-04-02 10:42:24,501] INFO Closing socket connection to
    / (kafka.network.Processor)
    [2014-04-02 10:42:27,915] ERROR [ReplicaFetcherThread-0-1], Error
    for partition [topic2,4] to broker 1:class
    [2014-04-02 10:42:34,575] ERROR Conditional update of path
    /brokers/topics/topic1/partitions/1/state with data
    and expected version 119 failed due to
    KeeperErrorCode = BadVersion for
    /brokers/topics/topic1/partitions/1/state (kafka.utils.ZkUtils$)
    [2014-04-02 10:42:34,575] INFO Partition [topic1,1] on broker 2:
    Cached zkVersion [119] not equal to that in zookeeper, skip updating
    ISR (kafka.cluster.Partition)

    State-change ID=2:
    [2014-04-02 10:38:37,134] TRACE Controller 2 epoch 7 received
    response correlationId 313 for a request sent to broker
    id:2,host:,port:9092 (state.change.logger)
    [2014-04-02 10:38:37,696] TRACE Controller 2 epoch 7 received
    response correlationId 313 for a request sent to broker
    id:1,host:,port:9092 (state.change.logger)
    [2014-04-02 10:38:38,682] TRACE Controller 2 epoch 7 received
    response correlationId 312 for a request sent to broker
    id:3,host:,port:9092 (state.change.logger)
    [2014-04-02 10:38:38,909] TRACE Controller 2 epoch 7 received
    response correlationId 313 for a request sent to broker
    id:3,host:,port:9092 (state.change.logger)
    [2014-04-02 10:38:38,918] TRACE Controller 2 epoch 7 received
    response correlationId 313 for a request sent to broker
    id:3,host:,port:9092 (state.change.logger)

Machine 1:

    Controller ID=1:
    [2014-04-02 10:42:20,342] INFO [Controller 1]: Broker 1 starting
    become controller state transition (kafka.controller.KafkaController)
    [2014-04-02 10:42:20,372] INFO [Controller 1]: Controller 1
    incremented epoch to 8 (kafka.controller.KafkaController)
    [2014-04-02 10:42:21,176] DEBUG [Channel manager on controller 1]:
    Controller 1 trying to connect to broker 1
    [2014-04-02 10:42:21,238] INFO
    [Controller-1-to-broker-1-send-thread], Controller 1 connected to
    id:1,host:,port:9092 for sending state change requests
    [2014-04-02 10:42:21,239] DEBUG [Channel manager on controller 1]:
    Controller 1 trying to connect to broker 3
    [2014-04-02 10:42:21,460] INFO
    [Controller-1-to-broker-3-send-thread], Controller 1 connected to
    id:3,host:,port:9092 for sending state change requests
    [2014-04-02 10:42:21,483] INFO
    [Controller-1-to-broker-3-send-thread], Starting 
    [2014-04-02 10:42:21,483] INFO
    [Controller-1-to-broker-1-send-thread], Starting 
    [2014-04-02 10:42:21,506] INFO [Controller 1]: Partitions undergoing
    preferred replica election:  (kafka.controller.KafkaController)
    [2014-04-02 10:42:21,515] INFO [Controller 1]: Partitions that
    completed preferred replica election: 
    [2014-04-02 10:42:21,516] INFO [Controller 1]: Resuming preferred
    replica election for partitions:  (kafka.controller.KafkaController)
    [2014-04-02 10:42:21,653] INFO [Controller 1]: Partitions being
    reassigned: Map() (kafka.controller.KafkaController)
    [2014-04-02 10:42:21,655] INFO [Controller 1]: Partitions already
    reassigned: List() (kafka.controller.KafkaController)
    [2014-04-02 10:42:21,656] INFO [Controller 1]: Resuming reassignment
    of partitions: Map() (kafka.controller.KafkaController)
    [2014-04-02 10:42:21,742] INFO [Controller 1]: List of topics to be
    deleted:  (kafka.controller.KafkaController)
    [2014-04-02 10:42:21,743] INFO [Controller 1]: List of topics
    ineligible for deletion: topic1,topic2,topic3
    [2014-04-02 10:42:21,848] INFO [Controller 1]: Currently active
    brokers in the cluster: Set(1, 3) (kafka.controller.KafkaController)
    [2014-04-02 10:42:21,849] INFO [Controller 1]: Currently shutting
    brokers in the cluster: Set() (kafka.controller.KafkaController)

After failover, Controller is on machine 1 and broker ID=2 disappeared
in Zookeeper:
ls /brokers/ids
[3, 1]

Only restart broker ID=2 helps in order to back. My questionis:
Why broker is not able to back and works?
(I see problem with the bad version in Zookeeper but I would like to
better understand it and prevent in future)


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