Which version of Kafka are you using?



On Mon, Apr 21, 2014 at 11:41 AM, Ryan Berdeen <rberd...@hubspot.com> wrote:

> After doing some partition reassignments, I've ended up with some
> partitions that have both the old and new brokers assigned.
> The output of kafka-topics.sh --describe looks like this:
> Topic:cs-es-indexer-a PartitionCount:30 ReplicationFactor:2 Configs:
> retention.ms=10800000
> ...
>   Topic: cs-es-indexer-a  Partition: 11 Leader: 11  Replicas: 11,12 Isr:
> 11,12
>   Topic: cs-es-indexer-a  Partition: 12 Leader: 15  Replicas: 15,17,12
>  Isr: 12,17,15
> ...
> Partition 12 has 3 replicas, but the topic has a replication factor of 2.
> It was reassigned from [12,17] to [15,17].
> During the reassignment, the controller changed from one broker to another,
> and the resigning controller deadlocked with
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-1317.
> Is this expected, or a known issue? I've had to alter some of my monitoring
> tools to handle different-sized replica lists for partitions of the same
> topic.

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