
We have several Kafka clusters in production, and we've had to reassign
replication a few times now in production.  Some of our topic/partitions
are pretty large, up to 32 partitions per topic, and 16GB per partition, so
adding a new broker and/or repairing a broker that had been down for some
time turns out to be a major undertaking.

Today, when we attempt to replicate a single partition, it pegs the disk
IO, and uses a significant chunk of the 10Gbps interface for a good ~5
minutes.  This is causing problems for our downstream consumers, which rely
on having a consistent stream of realtime data being sent to them.

Is there a way to throttle Kafka replication between nodes, so that instead
of it going full blast, it will replicate at a fixed rate in megabytes or
activities/batches per second?  Or maybe is this planned for a future
release, maybe 0.9?


Marcos Juarez

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