
We are doing load testing.  Ran into some exception - need some help
clarifying what the problem is and how to bring the broker back on-line (hoping
w/o the need to shutdown other brokers).  Each broker was handling about 100k 
Payload is small - less than 500 bytes
About 2 hours into our run, one of the brokers stopped.  It
looked like an update to the zookeeper failed - conflict in /controller data’s
version.   It seems to happen when a new
leader is chosen.  How do we prevent and

Sorry for the long post.  Thanks for the help.

Broker version kafka_2.10-
jvm 1.7
We have 3 brokers running on 3 virtual machines.
1 topic, 6 partitions, 2 replicas
3 producing apps (6 producer threads each)
3 consuming apps (2 consumer each)
The partitions and consumers were properly load-balanced across 3 brokers.

 [2014-05-30 09:42:21,122]
ERROR Conditional update of path /brokers/topics/topic1/partitions/2/state with
and expected version 1960 failed due to
org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException$BadVersionException: KeeperErrorCode =
BadVersion for /brokers/topics/topic1/partitions/2/state (kafka.utils.ZkUtils$)
[2014-05-30 09:42:21,123] INFO Closing socket connection to /
[2014-05-30 09:42:21,147] INFO Partition [topic1,2] on broker 1: Cached
zkVersion [1960] not equal to that in zookeeper, skip updating ISR
[2014-05-30 09:42:21,147] INFO Partition [topic1,5] on broker 1: Shrinking ISR
for partition [topic1,5] from 1,3 to 1 (kafka.cluster.Partition)
[2014-05-30 09:42:21,149] ERROR Conditional update of path 
with data
and expected version 2394 failed due to 
KeeperErrorCode = BadVersion for /brokers/topics/topic1/partitions/5/state
[2014-05-30 09:42:21,149] INFO Partition [topic1,5] on broker 1: Cached
zkVersion [2394] not equal to that in zookeeper, skip updating ISR
[2014-05-30 09:42:21,182] INFO conflict in /controller data:
stored data:
[2014-05-30 09:42:21,259] INFO re-registering broker info in ZK for broker 1
[2014-05-30 09:42:21,267] INFO Registered broker 1 at path /brokers/ids/1 with
address host01:9092. (kafka.utils.ZkUtils$)
[2014-05-30 09:42:21,267] INFO done re-registering broker
[2014-05-30 09:42:21,299] INFO Subscribing to /brokers/topics path to watch for
new topics (kafka.server.KafkaHealthcheck)
We then saw bunch of producer errors - indicating the target
partition is not local.
[2014-05-30 09:42:21,482] WARN [KafkaApi-1] Produce request with
correlation id 277356381 from client pooledKafkaMsgProducer on partition 
failed due to Leader not local for partition [topic1,2] on broker 1
[2014-05-30 09:42:21,482] WARN [KafkaApi-1] Produce request with correlation id
272337409 from client pooledKafkaMsgProducer on partition [topic1,2] failed due
to Leader not local for partition [topic1,2] on broker 1
We saw a new leader is elected.

[2014-05-30 09:42:21,523] INFO [ReplicaFetcherManager on broker 1]
Removed fetcher for partitions [topic1,5],[topic1,2]
[2014-05-30 09:42:21,523] INFO Truncating log topic1-5 to offset 2304238765.
[2014-05-30 09:42:21,549] INFO New leader is 3
[2014-05-30 09:42:21,652] INFO Truncating log topic1-2 to offset 2304238451.
[2014-05-30 09:42:21,659] INFO [ReplicaFetcherManager on broker 1] Added
fetcher for partitions ArrayBuffer([[topic1,2], initOffset 2304238451 to broker
id:2,host:host02:9092] , [[topic1,5], initOffset 2304238765 to broker
id:3,host03:9092] ) (kafka.server.ReplicaFetcherManager)
[2014-05-30 09:42:21,688] WARN [KafkaApi-1] Fetch request with correlation id
114863 from client 
on partition [topic1,2] failed due to Leader not local for partition [topic1,2]
on broker 1 (kafka.server.KafkaApis)
[2014-05-30 09:42:21,690] WARN [KafkaApi-1] Fetch request with correlation id
114444 from client
host03-5415-1-ConsumerFetcherThread-g1-host03-1401389345244-70fc9378-0-1 on
partition [topic1,5] failed due to Leader not local for partition [topic1,5] on
broker 1 (kafka.server.KafkaApis)
[2014-05-30 09:42:21,789] WARN [KafkaApi-1] Fetch request with
correlation id 114863 from client 
on partition [topic1,2] failed due to Leader not local for partition [topic1,2]
on broker 1 (kafka.server.KafkaApis)
[2014-05-30 09:42:21,790] WARN [KafkaApi-1] Fetch request with
correlation id 114444 from client 
on partition [topic1,5] failed due to Leader not local for partition [topic1,5]
on broker 1 (kafka.server.KafkaApis)
[2014-05-30 09:42:21,793] INFO Closing socket connection to /
[2014-05-30 09:42:21,794] INFO Closing socket connection to /
[2014-05-30 09:42:21,794] INFO Closing socket connection to /
[2014-05-30 09:42:21,794] INFO Closing socket connection to /

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