Have you given Kafka some time to re-elect a new leader for the
"missing" partition when you re-try steps 1-5?

See here:
> If you do, you should be able to go through steps
> 1-8 without seeing LeaderNotAvailableExceptions (you may need to give
> Kafka some time to re-elect the remaining, second broker as the new
> leader for the first broker's partitions though).


On 06/12/2014 08:43 PM, Prakash Gowri Shankor wrote:
> So if we go back to the 2 broker case, I tried your suggestion with
> replication-factor 2
> ./kafka-topics.sh  --topic test2 --create  --partitions 3 --zookeeper
> localhost:2181 --replication-factor
> When i repeat steps 1-5 i still see the exception. When i go to step 8 (
> back to 2 brokers ), I dont see it.
> Here is my topic description:
> ./kafka-topics.sh --describe --topic test2 --zookeeper localhost:2181
> Topic:test2 PartitionCount:3 ReplicationFactor:2 Configs:
> Topic: test2 Partition: 0 Leader: 1 Replicas: 1,0 Isr: 1,0
> Topic: test2 Partition: 1 Leader: 0 Replicas: 0,1 Isr: 0,1
> Topic: test2 Partition: 2 Leader: 1 Replicas: 1,0 Isr: 1,0
> On Wed, Jun 11, 2014 at 3:20 PM, Michael G. Noll <
> michael+st...@michael-noll.com> wrote:
>> In your second case (1-broker cluster and putting your laptop to sleep)
>> these exceptions should be transient and disappear after a while.
>> In the logs you should see ZK session expirations (hence the
>> initial/transient exceptions, which in this case are expected and ok),
>> followed by new ZK sessions being established.
>> So this case is (should?) be very different from your case number 1.
>> --Michael
>>> On 11.06.2014, at 23:13, Prakash Gowri Shankor <
>> prakash.shan...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Thanks for your response Michael.
>>> In step 3, I am actually stopping the entire cluster and restarting it
>>> without the 2nd broker. But I see your point. When i look in
>>> /tmp/kafka-logs-2 ( which is the log dir for the 2nd broker ) I see it
>>> holds test2-1 ( ie 1st partition of test2 topic ).
>>> For /tmp/kafka-logs ( which is the log dir for the first broker ) I see
>> it
>>> holds test2-0 and test2-2 ( 0th and 2nd partition of test2 topic ).
>>> So it would seem that kafka is missing the leader for partition 1 and
>> hence
>>> throwing the exception on the producer side.
>>> Let me try your replication suggestion.
>>> While all of the above might explain the exception in the case of 2
>>> brokers, there are still times when I see it with just a single broker.
>>> In this case, I start from a normal working cluster with 1 broker only.
>>> Then I either put my machine into sleep/hibernation. On wake, I do
>> shutdown
>>> the cluster ( for sanity ) and restart.
>>> On restart, I start seeing this exception. In this case i only have one
>>> broker. I still create the topic the way i described earlier.
>>> I understand this is not the ideal production topology, but its annoying
>> to
>>> see it during development.
>>> Thanks
>>> On Wed, Jun 11, 2014 at 1:40 PM, Michael G. Noll <
>> mich...@michael-noll.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Prakash,
>>>> you are configure the topic with a replication factor of only 1, i.e. no
>>>> additional replica beyond "the original one".  This replication setting
>>>> of 1 means that only one of the two brokers will ever host the (single)
>>>> replica -- which is implied to also be the leader in-sync replica -- of
>>>> a given partition.
>>>> In step 3 you are disabling one of the two brokers.  Because this
>>>> stopped broker is the only broker that hosts one or more of the 3
>>>> partitions you configured (I can't tell which partition(s) it is, but
>>>> you can find out by --describe'ing the topic), your Kafka cluster --
>>>> which is now running in degraded state -- will miss the leader of those
>>>> affected partitions.  And because you set the replication factor to 1,
>>>> the remaining, second broker will not and will never take over the
>>>> leadership of those partitions from the stopped broker.  Hence you will
>>>> keep getting the LeaderNotAvailableException's until you restart the
>>>> stopped broker in step 7.
>>>> So to me it looks as if the behavior of Kafka is actually correct and as
>>>> expected.
>>>> If you want to "rectify" your test setup, try increasing the replication
>>>> factor from 1 to 2.  If you do, you should be able to go through steps
>>>> 1-8 without seeing LeaderNotAvailableExceptions (you may need to give
>>>> Kafka some time to re-elect the remaining, second broker as the new
>>>> leader for the first broker's partitions though).
>>>> Hope this helps,
>>>> Michael
>>>>> On 06/11/2014 07:49 PM, Prakash Gowri Shankor wrote:
>>>>> yes,
>>>>> here are the steps:
>>>>> Create topic as : ./kafka-topics.sh  --topic test2 --create
>>>> --partitions 3
>>>>> --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 1
>>>>> 1) Start cluster with 2 brokers, 3 consumers.
>>>>> 2) Dont start any producer
>>>>> 3) Shutdown cluster and disable one broker from starting
>>>>> 4) restart cluster with 1 broker, 3 consumers
>>>>> 5) Start producer and send messages. I see this exception
>>>>> 6) Shutdown cluster.
>>>>> 7) Enable 2nd broker.
>>>>> 8) Restart cluster with 2 brokers, 3 consumer and the one producer and
>>>> send
>>>>> messages. Now I dont see the exception.

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