Definitely, this is version

Luke Forehand |  Networked Insights  |  Software Engineer

On 6/23/14, 6:58 PM, "Guozhang Wang" <> wrote:

>Thanks for the findings, could you file a JIRA to keep track of this bug?
>On Mon, Jun 23, 2014 at 2:42 PM, Luke Forehand <
>> wrote:
>> Slight nitpick, but a typo in using GetOffsetShell command can cause a
>> topic to be created which cannot be deleted (because deletion is still
>> progress)
>> ./ --broker-list
>> kafka10:9092,kafka11:9092,kafka12:9092,kafka13:9092 --topic typo --time
>> ./ --zookeeper stormqa1/kafka-prod --describe --topic
>> Topic:typo      PartitionCount:8        ReplicationFactor:1     Configs:
>>         Topic: typo     Partition: 0    Leader: 10      Replicas: 10
>>  Isr: 10
>> ...
>> Luke Forehand |  Networked Insights  |  Software Engineer
>-- Guozhang

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