Hi Weide,

1. The old consumer is still depending on the ZK no matter if you use ZK
for offsets or not, since it depends on ZK for group manage anyways. In the
new consumer (0.9) we have completely the ZK dependance.

2. Yes, it queries the broker for leader info.

3. You can use a single consumer for multiple topics, but a single consumer
can only talk to a single broker; if your topic spans across multiple
brokers you would also need multiple simple consumers.


On Tue, Jul 1, 2014 at 5:14 PM, Weide Zhang <weo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi ,
> Just want to ask some basic question about kafka simple consumer.
> 1. if I'm using simple consumer and doesn't really depend on zookeeper to
> manage partition offset. (application manage offset themselves). Will that
> remove the zookeeper dependency for consumer ?
> 2. if zookeeper dies, will simple consumer still able to get partition
> leadership information from broker itself ? Or it indirectly uses zookeeper
> to find out the partition leadership for particular topics ?
> 3. does simpleconsumer api have topicfilter logic similar to high level
> consumer provides ? Or I have to create multiple simpleconsumer for
> multiple topics themselves explicitly ?
> Thanks a lot,
> Weide

-- Guozhang

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