Do you have producer retries (due to broker failure) in those minutes when
you see a diff?



On Fri, Aug 1, 2014 at 1:28 AM, Guy Doulberg <>

> Hey,
> After a year or so I have Kafka as my streaming layer in my production, I
> decided it is time to audit, and to test how many events do I lose, if I
> lose events at all.
> I discovered something interesting which I can't explain.
> The producer produces less events that the consumer group consumes.
> It is not much more, it is about 0.1% more events
> I use the Consumer API (not the simple consumer API)
> I was thinking I might had rebalancing going on in my system, but it
> doesn't look like that.
> Did anyone see such a behaviour
> In order to audit, I calculated for each event the minute it arrived, and
> assigned this value to the event, I used statsd do to count all events from
> all my producer cluster, and all consumer group cluster.
> I must say that it is not a happening for every minute,
> Thanks, Guy

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