
I am working with kafka_2.8.0- It used to work fine but since this
morning when I try to start the kafka-server after starting zookeeper, I am
getting this error-

 INFO I wrote this conflicted ephemeral node
[{"version":1,"brokerid":0,"timestamp":"1407357554030"}] at /controller a
while back in a different session, hence I will backoff for this node to be
deleted by Zookeeper and retry (kafka.utils.ZkUtils$)

[2014-08-06 13:49:22,103] INFO conflict in /controller data:
{"version":1,"brokerid":0,"timestamp":"1407357554030"} stored data:

I tried to stop both kafka and zookeeper and cleared all the logs and then
tried starting it again but I am still getting this error.

Can you guide me to the root cause?

Thank you very much!


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