Hi Francois

I didn't quite understand how you've set up your metrics reporting. Are you
using the https://github.com/criteo/kafka-ganglia metrics reporter? If so
then you should be able to adjust the config to exclude the metrics you
don't want, with kafka.ganglia.metrics.exclude.regex.

On 18 September 2014 07:55, François Langelier <f.langel...@gmail.com>

> Hi all!
> We are using yammer metrics to monitor some parts of our system.
> Since we upgrade from kafka 0.7.2 to, we saw a lot more data
> getting in our graphite server and from what I saw, it looks like it all
> come from our producers.
> From what i understand, since we already use graphite, our graphiteReporter
> is enable in our main web site and our kafka producers are having fun using
> it too to monitor in graphite.
> The problem is that right now kafka is hammering of graphite server and we
> have difficulty to saw our monitored data...
> Is there a way to deactivate the monitoring of our kafka producers?
> François Langelier
> Étudiant en génie Logiciel - École de Technologie Supérieure
> <http://www.etsmtl.ca/>
> Capitaine Club Capra <http://capra.etsmtl.ca/>
> VP-Communication - CS Games <http://csgames.org> 2014
> Jeux de Génie <http://www.jdgets.com/> 2011 à 2014
> Magistrat Fraternité du Piranha <http://fraternitedupiranha.com/>
> Comité Organisateur Olympiades ÉTS 2012
> Compétition Québécoise d'Ingénierie 2012 - Compétition Senior

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