It is available with Kafka package  containing the source code. Download
the package, build it and run the above command.


On Wed, Oct 1, 2014 at 7:55 PM, Sa Li <> wrote:

> Hi, All
> I built a 3-node kafka cluster, I want to make performance test, I found
> someone post following thread, that is exactly the problem I have:
> -------------
> While testing kafka producer performance, I found 2 testing scripts.
> 1) performance testing script in kafka distribution
> bin/ --broker-list localhost:9092 --messages
> 10000000 --topic test --threads 10 --message-size 100 --batch-size 10000
> --compression-codec 1
> 2) performance testing script mentioned in
> bin/
> test6 50000000 100
> -1 acks=1
> buffer.memory=67108864 batch.size=8196
> based on org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.Producer.
> ——————
> I was unable to duplicate either of above method, I figure the commands
> are outdated, anyone point me how to do such test with new command?
> thanks
> Alec


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