Out of curiosity: did you choose Redis because ZooKeeper is not well
supported in Clojure? Or were there other reasons?

On Mon, Oct 13, 2014 at 2:04 PM, Gerrit Jansen van Vuuren
<gerrit...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Steven,
> Redis:
>   I've had a discussion on redis today, and one architecture that does come
> up is using a master slave, then if the master fails the have the
> application start writing to the slave. Writing to a slave is possible in
> redis, albeit you cannot fail back to the master because writes to a slave
> will not be automatically replicated to the master.
>   Any suggestions are welcome.
> Java:
>   I like Java, have been with it a long time, did groovy, went back to
> Java, tried scala, went back to Java, then tried clojure and got sold on it
> (mainly because it fits my way of thinking). OtherJVMLang -> Java interop
> is always better than Java -> OtherJVMLang interop. Clojure interop to Java
> is really great, but Java to Clojure you need to use things like:
>   RT.var("kafka-clj.consumer.node", "read-msg!").invoke(connector,
> timeoutMillis))
>  I've refactored the Java API to be more "Java like" (plus made Consumer
> Iterable), and made a new release "2.3.9", see the updated examples, also
> have a look at
> https://github.com/gerritjvv/kafka-fast/blob/master/kafka-clj/doc/vagrant.md
> .
> My idea for this library is that from Java/Groovy etc you do not need to
> know about Clojure behind the scenes (barring the stacktraces), you just
> get Java, and obviously if your using Clojure you just get Clojure ;).
> Cheers,
>  Gerrit
> On Mon, Oct 13, 2014 at 6:52 PM, Steven Schlansker <
> sschlans...@opentable.com> wrote:
>> Couple of mostly-uninformed comments inline,
>> On Oct 13, 2014, at 2:00 AM, Gerrit Jansen van Vuuren <gerrit...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> > Hi Daniel,
>> >
>> > At the moment redis is a spof in the architecture, but you can setup
>> > replication and I'm seriously looking into using redis cluster to
>> eliminate
>> > this.
>> >   Some docs that point to this are:
>> >   http://redis.io/topics/cluster-tutorial
>> >   http://redis.io/topics/sentinel
>> There's some evidence that redis clusters are *not* good for managing state
>> in the way that you are using it:
>> http://aphyr.com/posts/283-call-me-maybe-redis
>> > If you can’t tolerate data loss, Redis Sentinel (and by extension Redis
>> Cluster) is not safe for use as:
>> >
>> >       • A lock service
>> >       • A queue
>> >       • A database
>> >>
>> >>> On 13/10/2014, at 10:22 am, Gerrit Jansen van Vuuren <
>> >> gerrit...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> >>>
>> >>> Hi,
>> >>>
>> >>> Just thought I'll put this out for the kafka community to see (if
>> anyone
>> >>> finds it useful great!!).
>> >>>
>> >>> Kafka-fast is 100% pure clojure implementation for kafka, but not just
>> >>> meant for clojure because it has a Java API wrapper that can be used
>> from
>> >>> Java, Groovy, JRuby or Scala.
>> One thing that frustrates me with the Kafka library is that despite it
>> claiming
>> that the Scala code is interoperable with Java, it really isn't.  You end
>> up
>> having to work around the Scala compiler 'magic' in increasingly bizarre
>> ways,
>> e.g. default arguments:
>> kafka = new KafkaServer(createConfig(), KafkaServer.init$default$2());
>> which is both magical and fragile.  I don't know whether Clojure is the
>> same way,
>> just want to point out that if you don't take particular care of us old
>> fart Java
>> nuts, you'll lose us quickly :)
>> Another example, from your docs:
>> Object connector = Producer.createConnector(new BrokerConf("",
>> 9092));
>> Producer.sendMsg(connector, "my-topic", "Hi".getBytes("UTF-8"));
>> This is downright bizarre to me, I would instead expect:
>> Producer connector = Producer.createConnector(...)
>> connector.sendMsg("my-topic", bytes)
>> which is IMO shorter, cleaner, and easier for testing (especially mocking).
>> Hope some of my ravings are helpful,
>> Steven

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