
I have a Kafka 0.8.1 cluster. I used the ConsumerOffsetChecker tool to
check the lag of consumer groups. I found that for some partition, the tool
returns negative value for the "lag " column.  Is this a known issue that
has been seen before? I find that the negative value prevents the consumer
consuming the latest events in these partitions.  How can we work around
the problem?

The following is the command:

~/kafka_2.9.2-0.8.1$ bin/kafka-run-class.sh
kafka.tools.ConsumerOffsetChecker --group topic_partition --zkconnect
zk001:2181 --topic the_topic | grep ' -'

The following is part of the output. The topic that I am checking has 128
partitions, and the tool returns negative value for 63 partitions.

topic_partition event                          6   202936733
28822327       * -*174114406      topic_partition_m031_29714_20-0

topic_partition event                          10  177322216
36578944       * -*140743272      topic_partition_m032_16773_16-0

topic_partition event                          11  187891640
28999350       * -*158892290      topic_partition_m032_16773_17-0



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