I dug deeper and saw this during normal operation:

In the kafka broker log:

[2014-11-03 21:39:25,658] ERROR [KafkaApi-8] Error when processing fetch
request for partition [activity.stream,5] offset 7475239 from consumer with
correlation id 69 (kafka.server.KafkaApis)
kafka.common.OffsetOutOfRangeException: Request for offset 7475239 but we
only have log segments in the range 8014610 to 10227768.

And on the client side I saw:

Nov 03 21:39:25 INFO kafka consumer.py: Commit offset 10227769 in
SimpleConsumer: group=ActivityStream, topic=activity.stream, partition=5



Nov 03 21:39:26 ERROR demux.consumer_stream consumer_stream.py:
partition=5, error=1, highwaterMark=-1, messages=<generator object
_decode_message_set_iter at 0x3dcf870>),)

I am using the python kafka client.

Why would the kafka client commit offset 10227769, and then, 1 second
later, turn around and ask kafka for the offset 7475239?


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