Hi Haoming,
          Take a look at the code here
for your partKey it should be string and when you converting it into
byte array you can use partKey.getBytes("UTF8")

On Thu, Nov 20, 2014, at 03:57 PM, Haoming Zhang wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm a beginner of Kafka, currently I'm stuck by how to send out a
> KeyedMessage by producer. I would like to design a partition
> function to route the message based on the key, but the producer cannot
> send the KeyedMessage and I got this exception:
> java.lang.ClassCastException: [B cannot be cast to java.lang.String
> What I tried is hardcode a partition key ( I tried String and Integer,
> currently it is Integer ), then convert the partition key to Byte Array:
>           val converter = new DataTypeConvertion
>           val hardKey = 2
>           val partkey = converter.intToByteArray(hardKey)
>  Then create a KeyedMessage by the following function:
>   private def toMessage(value: Val, key: Option[Key] = None, topic:
>   Option[String] = None): KeyedMessage[Key, Val] = {
>     val t = topic.get
>     require(!t.isEmpty, "Topic must not be empty")
>     key match {
>       case Some(key) => new KeyedMessage(t, key, value)
>       case _ => new KeyedMessage(t, value)
>     }
>   }
> Then try to send the KeyedMessage by a Kafka producer:
>   def send(key: Key, value: Val, topic: Option[String] = None) {
>     val msg = toMessage(value, Option(key), topic)
>     print(msg + "\n")
>     print("msg.key" + msg.key + "\n")
>     print("msg.message" + msg.message + "\n")
>     print("msg.partKey" + msg.partKey + "\n")
>     print("msg.topic" + msg.topic + "\n")
>     try {
>       p.send(msg) //P is an instance of producer, exception happens in
>       this line
>     } catch {
>       case e: Exception =>
>         e.printStackTrace()
>         System.exit(1)
>     }
>   }
> As you can see, I added many print statement in the above function, and
> the following is the output of above function:
> KeyedMessage(testingInput,[B@7ad40950,[B@7ad40950,[B@7ce18764)
> msg.key: [B@7ad40950
> msg.message: [B@7ce18764
> msg.partKey: [B@7ad40950
> msg.topic: testingInput
> The key of KeyedMessage is displayed as [B@7ad40950 , I think it is a
> memory address and the exception (java.lang.ClassCastException: [B cannot
> be cast to java.lang.String) happens when "send" function try to convert
> the Byte Array to String.
> Am I wrong on creating a key in Byte Array type?
> Some examples of how to use KeyedMessage will be great!
> Regards,
> Haoming

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