kafka.network.Processor is on the broker. Are you killing the brokers as



On Thu, Dec 4, 2014 at 5:33 PM, Shannon Lloyd <shanl...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am using the high-level consumer on 0.8.2-beta. I'm attempting to close a
> ConsumerConnector (actually a handful of connectors), but am not having
> much luck actually getting it to close cleanly. When I call shutdown on the
> connector, I see an error in my application's log (these are always
> IOExceptions in kafka.network.Processor - either Broken Pipe in
> FileDispatcherImpl.write0 or else Connection reset by peer in
> FileDispatcherImpl.read0), but the shutdown call itself does not return
> until the socket.timeout.ms has expired (I've tested this by setting this
> to all sorts of different values and confirmed that shutdown() always
> returns after this timeout, but never before).
> I don't know if it matters, but my code that works with the connector is
> running on a separate thread via an ExecutorService (essentially I'm
> consuming with one thread per group/topic combination (yes, one thread for
> all partitions within the topic)).
> FWIW, everything else seems to work fine - I can connect, set up the
> KafkaStream, pull down messages etc. It's just the shutting down that
> doesn't seem to be working. The reason I need this to work cleanly is that
> my use case requires me to shut down specific connectors and re-create them
> later, potentially numerous times during the running of my application. I
> could potentially redesign things to keep each connector around after it is
> no longer needed, cache it and re-use it later, but this still doesn't
> solve the problem of how I eventually shut everything down cleanly.
> Thanks,
> Shannon

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