I'll take a look at the GC profile of the brokers Right now I keep a tab on
the CPU, Messages in, Bytes in, Bytes out, free memory (on the machine not
JVM heap) free disk space on the broker. I'll need to take a look at the
JVM metrics too. What seemed strange is that going from 8 -> 512 partitions
increases the latency, but going fro 512-> 8 does not decrease it. I have
to restart the producer (but not the broker) for the end to end latency to
go down That made it seem  that the fault was probably with the producer
and not the broker. Only restarting the producer made things better. I'll
do more extensive measurement on the broker.

On Sun, Dec 21, 2014 at 9:08 AM, Thunder Stumpges <tstump...@ntent.com>
> Did you see my response and have you checked the server logs especially
> the GC logs? It still sounds like you are running out of memory on the
> broker. What is your max heap memory and are you thrashing once you start
> writing to all those partitions?
> You have measured very thoroughly from an external point of view, i think
> now you'll have to start measuring the internal metrics. Maybe someone else
> will have ideas on what jmx values to watch.
> Best,
> Thunder
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rajiv Kurian [ra...@signalfuse.com]
> Received: Saturday, 20 Dec 2014, 10:24PM
> To: users@kafka.apache.org [users@kafka.apache.org]
> Subject: Re: Trying to figure out kafka latency issues
> Some more work tells me that the end to end latency numbers vary with the
> number of partitions I am writing to. I did an experiment, where based on a
> run time flag I would dynamically select how many of the *1024 partitions*
> I write to. So say I decide I'll write to at most 256 partitions I mod
> whatever partition I would actually write to by 256. Basically the number
> of partitions for this topic on the broker remains the same at *1024*
> partitions but the number of partitions my producers write to changes
> dynamically based on a run time flag. So something like this:
> int partition = getPartitionForMessage(message);
> int maxPartitionsToWriteTo = maxPartitionsFlag.get();   // This flag can be
> updated without bringing the application down - just a volatile read of
> some number set externally.
> int moddedPartition = partition % maxPartitionsToWrite.
> // Send a message to this Kafka partition.
> Here are some interesting things I've noticed:
> i) When I start my client and it *never writes* to more than *8
> partitions *(same
> data rate but fewer partitions) - the end to end *99th latency is 300-350
> ms*. Quite a bit of this (numbers in my previous emails) is the latency
> from producer -> broker and the latency from broker -> consumer. Still
> nowhere as poor as the *20 - 30* seconds I was seeing.
> ii) When I increase the maximum number of partitions, end to end latency
> increases dramatically. At *256 partitions* the end to end *99th latency is
> still 390 - 418 ms.* Worse than the latency figures for *8 *partitions, but
> not by much. When I increase this number to *512 partitions *the end
> to end *99th
> latency *becomes an intolerable *19-24 seconds*. At *1024* partitions the
> *99th
> latency is at 25 - 30 seconds*.
> A table of the numbers:
> Max number of partitions written to (out of 1024)
> End to end latency
> 8
> 300 - 350 ms
> 256
> 390 - 418 ms
> 512
> 19 - 24 seconds
> 1024
> 25 - 30 seconds
> iii) Once I make the max number of partitions high enough, reducing it
> doesn't help. For eg: If I go up from *8* to *512 *partitions, the latency
> goes up. But while the producer is running if I go down from  *512* to
> *8 *partitions,
> it doesn't reduce the latency numbers. My guess is that the producer is
> creating some state lazily per partition and this state is causing the
> latency. Once this state is created, writing to fewer partitions doesn't
> seem to help. Only a restart of the producer calms things down.
> So my current plan is to reduce the number of partitions on the topic, but
> there seems to be something deeper going on for the latency numbers to be
> so poor to begin with and then suffer so much more (non linearly) with
> additional partitions.
> Thanks!
> On Sat, Dec 20, 2014 at 6:03 PM, Rajiv Kurian <ra...@signalfuse.com>
> wrote:
> >
> > I've done some more measurements. I've also started measuring the latency
> > between when I ask my producer to send a message and when I get an
> > acknowledgement via the callback. Here is my code:
> >
> > // This function is called on every producer once every 30 seconds.
> >
> > public void addLagMarkers(final Histogram enqueueLag) {
> >
> >         final int numberOfPartitions = 1024;
> >
> >         final long timeOfEnqueue = System.currentTimeMillis();
> >
> >         final Callback callback = new Callback() {
> >
> >             @Override
> >
> >             public void onCompletion(RecordMetadata metadata, Exception
> ex)
> > {
> >
> >                 if (metadata != null) {
> >
> >                     // The difference between ack time from broker and
> > enqueue time.
> >
> >                     final long timeOfAck = System.currentTimeMillis();
> >
> >                     final long lag = timeOfAck - timeOfEnqueue;
> >
> >                     enqueueLag.update(lag);
> >
> >                 }
> >
> >             }
> >
> >         };
> >
> >         for (int i = 0; i < numberOfPartitions; i++) {
> >
> >             try {
> >
> >                 byte[] value = LagMarker.serialize(timeOfEnqueue);  // 10
> > bytes -> short version + long timestamp.
> >
> >                 // This message is later used by the consumers to measure
> > lag.
> >
> >                 ProducerRecord record = new ProducerRecord(MY_TOPIC, i,
> > null, value);
> >
> >                 kafkaProducer.send(record, callback);
> >
> >             } catch (Exception e) {
> >
> >                 // We just dropped a lag marker.
> >
> >             }
> >
> >         }
> >
> >     }
> >
> > The* 99th* on this lag is about* 350 - 400* ms. It's not stellar, but
> > doesn't account for the *20-30 second 99th* I see on the end to end lag.
> > I am consuming in a tight loop on the Consumers (using the
> SimpleConsumer)
> > with minimal processing with a *99th fetch time *of *130-140* ms, so I
> > don't think that should be a problem either. Completely baffled.
> >
> >
> > Thanks!
> >
> >
> >
> > On Sat, Dec 20, 2014 at 5:51 PM, Rajiv Kurian <ra...@signalfuse.com>
> > wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> On Sat, Dec 20, 2014 at 3:49 PM, Rajiv Kurian <ra...@signalfuse.com>
> >> wrote:
> >>>
> >>> I am trying to replace a Thrift peer to peer API with kafka for a
> >>> particular work flow. I am finding the 99th percentile latency to be
> >>> unacceptable at this time. This entire work load runs in an Amazon
> VPC. I'd
> >>> greatly appreciate it if some one has any insights on why I am seeing
> such
> >>> poor numbers. Here are some details and measurements taken:
> >>>
> >>> i) I have a single topic with 1024 partitions that I am writing to from
> >>> six clients using the kafka 0.8.2 beta kafka producer.
> >>>
> >>> ii) I have 3 brokers, each on  a c3 2x machine on ec2. Each of those
> >>> machines has 8 virtual cpus, 15 GB memory and 2 * 80 GB SSDs. The
> broker ->
> >>> partitions mapping was decided by Kafka when I created the topic.
> >>>
> >>> iii) I write about 22 thousand messages per second from across the 6
> >>> clients. This number was calculated using distributed counters. I just
> >>> increment a distributed counter in the callback from my enqueue job if
> the
> >>> metadata returned is not null. I also increment a number o dropped
> messages
> >>> counter if the callback has a non-null exception or if there was an
> >>> exception in the synchronous send call. The number of dropped messages
> is
> >>> pretty much always zero. Out of the 6 clients 3 are responsible for
> 95% of
> >>> the traffic. Messages are very tiny and have null keys  and 27 byte
> values
> >>> (2 byte version and 25 byte payload). Again these messages are written
> >>> using the kafka 0.8.2 client.
> >>>
> >>> iv) I have 3 consumer processes consuming only from this topic. Each
> >>> consumer process is assigned a disjoint set of the 1024 partitions by
> an
> >>> eternal arbiter. Each consumer process then creates a mapping from
> brokers
> >>> -> partitions it has been assigned. It then starts one fetcher thread
> per
> >>> broker. Each thread queries the broker (using the SimpleConsumer) it
> has
> >>> been assigned for partitions such that partitions = (partitions on
> broker)
> >>> *∩ *(partitions assigned to the process by the arbiter). So in effect
> >>> there are 9 consumer threads across 3 consumer processes that query a
> >>> disjoint set of partitions for the single topic and amongst themselves
> they
> >>> manage to consume from every topic. So each thread has a run loop
> where it
> >>> asks for messages, consumes them then asks for more messages. When a
> run
> >>> loop starts, it starts by querying for the latest message in a
> partition
> >>> (i.e. discards any previous backup) and then maintains a map of
> partition
> >>> -> nextOffsetToRequest in memory to make sure that it consumes
> messages in
> >>> order.
> >>>
> >> Edit: Mean't external arbiter.
> >>
> >>>
> >>> v) Consumption is really simple. Each message is put on a non blocking
> >>> efficient ring buffer. If the ring buffer is full the message is
> dropped. I
> >>> measure the mean time between fetches and it is the same as the time
> for
> >>> fetches up to a ms, meaning no matter how many messages are dequeued,
> it
> >>> takes almost no time to process them. At the end of processing a fetch
> >>> request I increment another distributed counter that counts the number
> of
> >>> messages processed. This counter tells me that on average I am
> consuming
> >>> the same number of messages/sec that I enqueue on the producers i.e.
> around
> >>> 22 thousand messages/sec.
> >>>
> >>> vi) The 99th percentile of the number of messages fetched per fetch
> >>> request is about 500 messages.  The 99th percentile of the time it
> takes to
> >>> fetch a batch is abut 130 - 140 ms. I played around with the buffer and
> >>> maxWait settings on the SimpleConsumer and attempting to consume more
> >>> messages was leading the 99th percentile of the fetch time to balloon
> up,
> >>> so I am consuming in smaller batches right now.
> >>>
> >>> vii) Every 30 seconds odd each of the producers inserts a trace message
> >>> into each partition (so 1024 messages per producer every 30 seconds).
> Each
> >>> message only contains the System.currentTimeMillis() at the time of
> >>> enqueueing. It is about 9 bytes long. The consumer in step (v) always
> >>> checks to see if a message it dequeued is of this trace type (instead
> of
> >>> the regular message type). This is a simple check on the first 2 byte
> >>> version that each message buffer contains. If it is a trace message it
> >>> reads it's payload as a long and uses the difference between the system
> >>> time on the consumer and this payload and updates a histogram with this
> >>> difference value. Ignoring NTP skew (which I've measured to be in the
> order
> >>> of milliseconds) this is the lag between when a message was enqueued
> on the
> >>> producer and when it was read on the consumer.
> >>>
> >> Edit: Trace messages are 10 bytes long - 2byte version + 8 byte long for
> >> timestamp.
> >>
> >> So pseudocode for every consumer thread (one per broker per consumer
> >>> process (9 in total across 3 consumers) is:
> >>>
> >>> void run() {
> >>>
> >>> while (running) {
> >>>
> >>>     FetchRequest fetchRequest = buildFetchRequest(
> >>> partitionsAssignedToThisProcessThatFallOnThisBroker);  // This
> >>> assignment is done by an external arbiter.
> >>>
> >>>     measureTimeBetweenFetchRequests();   // The 99th of this is
> 130-140ms
> >>>
> >>>     FetchResponse fetchResponse = fetchResponse(fetchRequest);  // The
> >>> 99th of this is 130-140ms, which is the same as the time between
> fetches.
> >>>
> >>>     processData(fetchResponse);  // The 99th on this is 2-3 ms.
> >>>   }
> >>> }
> >>>
> >>> void processData(FetchResponse response) {
> >>>   try (Timer.Context _ = processWorkerDataTimer.time() {  // The 99th
> on
> >>> this is 2-3 ms.
> >>>     for (Message message : response) {
> >>>        if (typeOf(message) == NORMAL_DATA) {
> >>>          enqueueOnNonBlockingRingBuffer(message);  // Never blocks,
> >>> drops message if ring buffer is full.
> >>>        } else if (typeOf(message) == TRACE_DATA) {
> >>>          long timeOfEnqueue = geEnqueueTime(message);
> >>>          long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
> >>>          long difference = currentTime - timeOfEnqueue;
> >>>          lagHistogram.update(difference);
> >>>        }
> >>>      }
> >>>    }
> >>> }
> >>>
> >>> viii) So the kicker is that this lag is really really high:
> >>> Median Lag: *200 ms*. This already seems pretty high and I could even
> >>> discount some of it through NTP skew.
> >>> Mean Lag: *2 - 4 seconds*! Also notice how mean is bigger than median
> >>> kind of telling us how the distribution has a big tail.
> >>> 99th Lag: *20 seconds*!!
> >>>
> >>> I can't quite figure out the source of the lag. Here are some other
> >>> things of note:
> >>>
> >>> 1) The brokers in general are at about 40-50% CPU but I see occasional
> >>> spikes to more than 80% - 95%. This could probably be causing issues.
> I am
> >>> wondering if this is down to the high number of partitions I have and
> how
> >>> each partition ends up receiving not too many messages. 22k messages
> spread
> >>> across 1024 partitions = only 21 odd messages/sec/partition. But each
> >>> broker should be receiving about  7500 messages/sec. It could also be
> down
> >>> to the nature of these messages being tiny. I imagine that the kafka
> wire
> >>> protocol is probably close to the 25 byte message payload. It also has
> to
> >>> do a few  CRC32 calculations etc. But again given that these are C3.2x
> >>> machines and the number of messages is so tiny I'd expect it to do
> better.
> >>> But again reading this article
> >>> <
> https://engineering.linkedin.com/kafka/benchmarking-apache-kafka-2-million-writes-second-three-cheap-machines>
> about
> >>> 2 million messages/sec across three brokers makes it seem like 22k 25
> byte
> >>> messages should be very easy. So my biggest suspicion right now is
> that the
> >>> large number of partitions is some how responsible for this latency.
> >>>
> >>> 2) On the consumer given that the 99th time between fetches == 99th
> time
> >>> of a fetch, I don't see how I could do any better. It's pretty close to
> >>> just getting batches of data, iterating through them and dropping them
> on
> >>> the floor. My requests on the consumer are built like this:
> >>>
> >>>         FetchRequestBuilder builder = new
> >>> FetchRequestBuilder().clientId(clientName)
> >>>
> >>>                 .maxWait(100).minBytes(1000);  // max wait of 100 ms or
> >>> at least 1000 bytes whichever happens first.
> >>>
> >>>         // Add a fetch request for every partition.
> >>>
> >>>         for (PartitionMetadata partition : partitions) {
> >>>
> >>>             int partitionId = partition.partitionId();
> >>>
> >>>             long offset = readOffsets.get(partition);  // This map
> >>> maintains the next partition to be read.
> >>>
> >>>             builder.addFetch(MY_TOPIC, partitionId, offset, 3000);  //
> >>> Up to 3000 bytes per fetch request.}
> >>>         }
> >>> 3) On the producer side I use the kafka beta producer. I've played
> >>> around with many settings but none of them seem to have made a
> difference.
> >>> Here are my current settings:
> >>>
> >>> ProducerConfig values:
> >>>
> >>>        block.on.buffer.full = false
> >>>
> >>>         retry.backoff.ms = 100
> >>>
> >>>         buffer.memory = 83886080  // Kind of big - could it be adding
> >>> lag?
> >>>
> >>>         batch.size = 40500  // This is also kind of big - could it be
> >>> adding lag?
> >>>
> >>>         metrics.sample.window.ms = 30000
> >>>
> >>>         metadata.max.age.ms = 300000
> >>>
> >>>         receive.buffer.bytes = 32768
> >>>
> >>>         timeout.ms = 30000
> >>>
> >>>         max.in.flight.requests.per.connection = 5
> >>>
> >>>         metric.reporters = []
> >>>
> >>>         bootstrap.servers = [broker1, broker2, broker3]
> >>>
> >>>         client.id =
> >>>
> >>>         compression.type = none
> >>>
> >>>         retries = 0
> >>>
> >>>         max.request.size = 1048576
> >>>
> >>>         send.buffer.bytes = 131072
> >>>
> >>>         acks = 1
> >>>
> >>>         reconnect.backoff.ms = 10
> >>>
> >>>         linger.ms = 250  // Based on this config I'd imagine that the
> >>> lag should be bounded to about 250 ms over all.
> >>>
> >>>         metrics.num.samples = 2
> >>>
> >>>         metadata.fetch.timeout.ms = 60000
> >>>
> >>> I know this is a lot of information. I just wanted to provide as much
> >>> context as possible.
> >>>
> >>> Thanks in advance!
> >>>
> >>>

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