
FetchOffsetRequest is used for retrieving the last committed offset of a
certain consumer group; for your use case you would send OffsetRequest.

That said the error code is misleading, it may be a bug in not indicating
the right error code.


On Fri, Jan 9, 2015 at 4:10 AM, Henri Pihkala <henri.pihk...@streamr.com>

> (1) Create topic
> (2) Send a FetchOffsetRequest for a partition in the new topic
> Results in error code 3, or UnknownTopicOrPartition.
> How can it be unknown, since I just created it? Shouldn’t it return 0, as
> that’s the offset of the next (first) message?
> Is this a bug or a feature? Tried with both and 0.8.2-beta
> (single-node cluster).
> Best regards
> Henri

-- Guozhang

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