Using kafka, the cluster had been healthy with producers and
consumers being able to function well. After a restart of the cluster, it
looks like consumers are locked out.

When I try to consume from a topic, I get this warning:
[2015-01-23 07:48:50,667] WARN
[], no
brokers found when trying to rebalance.

I don't see any errors in server.log on the kafka nodes and there aren't
any firewalls between the hosts (brokers, consumers and producers).

I can query the topic state:
$ /opt/cloudera/parcels/CLABS_KAFKA/bin/kafka-topics --zookeeper
zookeeper-node-1:2181/kafka --describe --topic rawunstruct
Topic:rawunstruct PartitionCount:5 ReplicationFactor:3 Configs:
Topic: rawunstruct Partition: 0 Leader: 328 Replicas: 328,327,329 Isr:
Topic: rawunstruct Partition: 1 Leader: 328 Replicas: 329,328,327 Isr:
Topic: rawunstruct Partition: 2 Leader: 328 Replicas: 327,329,328 Isr:
Topic: rawunstruct Partition: 3 Leader: 328 Replicas: 328,329,327 Isr:
Topic: rawunstruct Partition: 4 Leader: 328 Replicas: 329,327,328 Isr:

However, when I list /kafka/brokers/ids on any of the ZK servers, I don't
see any brokers ids.

I did upgrade from CDH 5.2 to 5.3 but other components in the stack seem to
be able to talk to Zookeeper just fine.

Any pointers for troubleshooting?


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