I'm a new user/admin to kafka. I'm running a 3 node ZK and a 6 brokers on

The performance I'm seeing is shockingly bad. I need some advice!

bin/kafka-run-class.sh org.apache.kafka.clients.tools.ProducerPerformance
test2 50000000 100 -1 acks=1 bootstrap.servers=5<myloadbalancer>:9092
buffer.memory=67108864 batch.size=8196

6097 records sent, 13198.3 records/sec (1.26 MB/sec), 2098.0 ms avg
latency, 4306.0 max latency.
71695 records sent, 14339.0 records/sec (1.37 MB/sec), 6658.1 ms avg
latency, 9053.0 max latency.
65195 records sent, 13028.6 records/sec (1.24 MB/sec), 11504.0 ms avg
latency, 13809.0 max latency.
71955 records sent, 14391.0 records/sec (1.37 MB/sec), 16137.4 ms avg
latency, 18541.0 max latency.

Thanks for any help!

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