Hi, For sending Offset Request with Kafka 0.8.2, I used this example :Finding Starting Offset for Reads <https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/0.8.0+SimpleConsumer+Example>
It works great on my test environment where a kafka broker uses the default zookeeper chroot (/). On another Kafka environment with a Zookeeper chroot is set to a specific path (/kafka for example), the SimpleConsumer returns error code 3 (Topic not available). I suspect that the problem is related to the SimpleConsumer not taking the specific zookeeper chroot into account. Is there something that can be set to force the SimpleConsumer to use a specific Zookeeper chroot ? The topic was created this way to match the Zookeeper root of the broker: bin/kafka-topics.sh --create --zookeeper zk_host01:2181/kafka ..... Any suggestion or workaround would be appreciated. Thanks Frank As a side note : To consume this topic (using Storm) I initially used a ZKHost like this: BrokerHost new ZKHost("zk_host01","/kafka"); but would get this error: KeeperErrorCode = NoNode for /kafka/topics/MyTopic/partitions at ... The storm consumer would only work with: BrokerHost new ZKHost("zk_host01","/kafka/brokers");