Hi team,

I have 2 brokers (0 and 1) serving a topic mm-benchmark-test. I did some
tests on the two brokers to verify how leader got elected. Here are the

1. started 2 brokers
2. created a topic with partition=1 and replication-factor=2. Now brokers 1
was elected as leader
3. sent 1000 messages to the topic and consumed from a high level consumer
using zk as the offset storage.
4. shutdown broker 1 and now broker 0 was elected as leader
5. sent another 1000 messages to topic and consumed again
6. completely shutdown broker 0 and then started broker 1. now broker 1
became the leader
7. started broker 0 and ran ConsumerOffsetChecker which showed negative lag
(-1000 in my case)

I think this is because the consumed offset in zk was 2000 and logsize
retrieved from the leader (broker 1) which missed 1000 messages in step 5
in this case was 1000 there -1000 = 1000 - 2000 was given.

Is this a bug or expected behavior?


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