And I'm using kafka version 

     On Thursday, March 5, 2015 11:51 AM, Zijing Guo 
<> wrote:

 Hi community,I have a 2 nodes test cluster with 2 zk instance and 2 broker 
instance running and I'm experimenting kafka producer in a cluster environment. 
So I create a topic "foo" with 2 partitions and replication 1.I create a async 
Producer without defining partition.class (so the partitioner will be the 
default one, which is "kafka.producer.DefaultPartitioner" and I verified.)
Now since I know that there is 2 partitions for topic "foo" and I create 1000 
KeyedMessage with key = "a"
    val msgs = val msgs = (1 to 1000).map(e => KeyedMessage("foo","test 
message" + e, "a"))    prod.send(msgs)

In theory, "a".hashCode=97, 97 % 2 = 1. so I should expect all the message go 
to broker1. However,after I send the message,  from the kafka Web console, I 
can see that the data is evenly distributed around the 2 brokers.
Any help will be appreciated.Thanks



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