Hi team,

I have two consumer instances with the same group id connecting to two
different topics with 1 partition created for each. One consumer uses
partition.assignment.strategy=roundrobin and the other one uses default
assignment strategy. Both consumers have 1 thread spawned internally and
connect kafka using createMessageStreamsByFilter.
The consumer with roundrobin assignment strategy connected kafka first and
had 2 topics assigned to itself and then I brought up another consumer that
has default assignment strategy configured. I saw rebalancing happened in
both consumers but at the end only one of the topics was assigned to the
consumer that is configured roundrobin assignment strategy and no topics
were assigned to the other consumer. This led to one topic missing its

Here is the result from zk
[zk: localhost:2181(CONNECTED) 0] get

Node does not exist: /consumers/test12345667fffff/owners/mm-benchmark-test/0

[zk: localhost:2181(CONNECTED) 1] get


The kafka version I use is


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