Thanks for your prompt response.

In my check for topicExists i will add a check for topic in

On Mon, Mar 23, 2015 at 8:21 PM, Harsha <> wrote:

> Just to be clear, one needs to stop producers and consumers that
> writing/reading from a topic “test” if they are trying to delete that
> specific topic “test”. Not all producers and clients.
> --
> Harsha
> On March 23, 2015 at 10:13:47 AM, Harsha ( wrote:
>  Currently we have auto.create.topics.enable set to true by default. If
> this is set true any one who is making TopicMetadataRequest can create a
> topic . As both producers and consumers can send TopicMetadataRequest which
> will create a topic if the above config is true. So while doing deletion if
> there is  producer or consumer running it can re-create a topic thats in
> deletion process. This issue going to be addressed in upcoming versions.
> Meanwhile if you are not creating topics via producer than turn this config
> off or stop producer and consumers while you are trying to delete a topic.
>  --
> Harsha
> On March 23, 2015 at 9:57:53 AM, Grant Henke ( wrote:
>  What happens when producers or consumers are running while the topic
> deleting is going on?
> On Mon, Mar 23, 2015 at 10:02 AM, Harsha <> wrote:
> > DeleteTopic makes a node in zookeeper to let controller know that there
> is
> > a topic up for deletion. This doesn’t immediately delete the topic it can
> > take time depending if all the partitions of that topic are online and
> > brokers are available as well. Once all the Log files deleted zookeeper
> > node gets deleted as well.
> > Also make sure you don’t have any producers or consumers are running
> while
> > the topic deleting is going on.
> >
> > --
> > Harsha
> >
> >
> > On March 23, 2015 at 1:29:50 AM, anthony musyoki (
> > wrote:
> >
> > On deleting a topic via TopicCommand.deleteTopic()
> >
> > I get "Topic test-delete is marked for deletion."
> >
> > I follow up by checking if the topic exists by using
> > AdminUtils.topicExists()
> > which suprisingly returns true.
> >
> > I expected AdminUtils.TopicExists() to check both BrokerTopicsPath
> > and DeleteTopicsPath before returning a verdict but it only checks
> > BrokerTopicsPath
> >
> > Shouldn't a topic marked for deletion return false for topicExists() ?
> >
> --
> Grant Henke
> Solutions Consultant | Cloudera
> | 920-980-8979
> <> |

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