Hi Kafka users,

I'd like to announce a new open source project, called "Bottled Water", for 
getting data from PostgreSQL into Kafka:

Bottled Water combines a consistent snapshot with logical replication, so you 
can get a full dump of your database in Kafka, plus low-latency messages 
whenever a row is inserted, updated or deleted in the database. This allows you 
to write Kafka consumers which maintain a copy of a database in a downstream 
system, such as a full-text search index, caches, data warehouse, HDFS, etc.

Bottled Water uses the new logical decoding feature in Postgres 9.4, and the 
log compaction feature in Kafka. Each table in Postgres becomes a topic in 
Kafka, and the table schema is automatically converted into an Avro schema for 

It's an alpha release that is not yet fit for production use, but it's ready 
for experimentation. Feedback and contributions welcome!


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