I'm starting to think that the old adage "If two people say you are drunk,
lie down" applies here :)

Current API seems perfectly clear, useful and logical to everyone who wrote
it... but we are getting multiple users asking for the old batch behavior
One reason to get it back is to make upgrades easier - people won't need to
rethink their existing logic if they get an API with the same behavior in
the new producer. The other reason is what Ewen mentioned earlier - if
everyone re-implements Joel's logic, we can provide something for that.

How about getting the old batch send behavior back by adding a new API with:
public void batchSend(List<ProducerRecord<K,V>>)

With this implementation (mixes the old behavior with Joel's snippet):
* send records one by one
* flush
* iterate on futures and "get" them
* log a detailed message on each error
* throw an exception if any send failed.

It reproduces the old behavior - which apparently everyone really liked,
and I don't think it is overly weird. It is very limited, but anyone who
needs more control over his sends already have plenty of options.



On Tue, Apr 28, 2015 at 5:29 PM, Jay Kreps <jay.kr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hey guys,
> The locking argument is correct for very small records (< 50 bytes),
> batching will help here because for small records locking becomes the big
> bottleneck. I think these use cases are rare but not unreasonable.
> Overall I'd emphasize that the new producer is way faster at virtually all
> use cases. If there is a use case where that isn't true, let's look at it
> in a data driven way by comparing the old producer to the new producer and
> looking for any areas where things got worse.
> I suspect the "reducing allocations" argument to be not a big thing. We do
> a number of small per-message allocations and it didn't seem to have much
> impact. I do think there are a couple of big producer memory optimizations
> we could do by reusing the arrays in the accumulator in the serialization
> of the request but I don't think this is one of them.
> I'd be skeptical of any api that was too weird--i.e. introduces a new way
> of partitioning, gives back errors on a per-partition rather than per
> message basis (given that partitioning is transparent this is really hard
> to think about), etc. Bad apis end up causing a ton of churn and just don't
> end up being a good long term commitment as we change how the underlying
> code works over time (i.e. we hyper optimize for something then have to
> maintain some super weird api as it becomes hyper unoptimized for the
> client over time).
> Roshan--Flush works as you would hope, it blocks on the completion of all
> outstanding requests. Calling get on the future for the request gives you
> the associated error code back. Flush doesn't throw any exceptions because
> waiting for requests to complete doesn't error, the individual requests
> fail or succeed which is always reported with each request.
> Ivan--The batches you send in the scala producer today actually aren't
> truely atomic, they just get sent in a single request.
> One tricky problem to solve when user's do batching is size limits on
> requests. This can be very hard to manage since predicting the serialized
> size of a bunch of java objects is not always obvious. This was repeatedly
> a problem before.
> -Jay
> On Tue, Apr 28, 2015 at 4:51 PM, Ivan Balashov <ibalas...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > I must agree with @Roshan – it's hard to imagine anything more intuitive
> > and easy to use for atomic batching as old sync batch api. Also, it's
> fast.
> > Coupled with a separate instance of producer per
> > broker:port:topic:partition it works very well. I would be glad if it
> finds
> > its way into new producer api.
> >
> > On a side-side-side note, could anyone confirm/deny if SimpleConsumer's
> > fetchSize must be set at least as batch bytes (before or after
> > compression), otherwise client risks not getting any messages?
> >

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