Which Kafka version are you using?

On Thu, Apr 30, 2015 at 4:11 PM, Dillian Murphey <crackshotm...@gmail.com>

> Scenerio with 1 node broker, and 3 node zookeeper ensemble.
> 1) Create topic
> 2) Delete topic
> 3) Re-create with same name
> I'm noticing this recreation gives me Leader: non, and Isr: as empty.
> Any ideas what the deal is here?
> I googled around and not being an experienced kafka admin, someone said to
> delete the /controller entry in zk. This appears to fix the problem on
> existing topics that show no leader.
> Is it ok to do this? What am I doing by deleting /controller? Is there a
> better way?
> Thanks for any advice, and your time of course.

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