Hi all:

I am using Kafka 0.8.2 and SimpleConsumer in maven:


I follow the SimpleConsumer example in the wiki, and there are some questions:

1. There seems lacking of how to commit the offset to Kafka. As far as I google 
it, it seems that I should use the OffsetCommitRequest. However, like a thread 
that posted in this email group several months ago, I am also very confused 
with the parameter “correlationId” in the constructor of OffsetCommitRequest.

2. Maybe there are another way of doing the offset management. I am thinking 
store the offset to Redis. If the offset is just a long number that indicating 
the “offset” in the partition, and has nothing else tricky (like truncated at 
sometime or someplace), I suppose it’s doable, is it?

3. I really want to know what’s the formally and officially recommended way to 
handle the offset. Without using the High Level Consumers.

Thank you very much!

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