
I have the following Kafka Set up - Two 3-node clusters A, B, where each
node is acting as a broker and is connected by on ZK running in one node in
cluster A.

I was able to publish messages from cluster A and could subscribe to
consuming from both A and B clusters.

However, I am suddenly running into the following issue:

[ConsumerFetcherThread-group1_<NodeName>-1435011736956-12cac90d-0-2] ERROR
[kafka.consumer.ConsumerFetcherThread] (Logging.scala:97) -
[ConsumerFetcherThread-group1_<NodeName>-1435011736956-12cac90d-0-2], Error
for partition [TestTop,0] to broker 2:class

I did ensure that all the 3 brokers are running. I have the following
consumer properties:

Properties props = new Properties();

    props.put("zookeeper.connect", "");

    props.put("group.id", "group1");

    props.put("zookeeper.session.timeout.ms", "6000");

    props.put("zookeeper.sync.time.ms", "2000");

    props.put("auto.commit.enable", "true");

    props.put("auto.commit.interval.ms", "1000");

    props.put("auto.offset.reset", "smallest");

    props.put("consumer.timeout.ms", "120000");

    props.put("backoff.increment.ms", "1500");
Any pointers would really help!


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