Greetings Sandy,

Folks smarter than me can correct me if I am wrong. Using Python client you
don't have to connect to Zookeeper, so just specifying one of the brokers
should be sufficient. In terms of what happens to your messages as your
client produces them, they should be randomly assigned to a partition of
the topic you specify, lest you use keyed messages, that will send a
messages to a particular partition based on the key:

How to actually do that process, of relating keys messages have to
particular partitions is beyond my realm of knowledge. I suspect the
concern is flooding one broker with messages, while the others are
underutilized. I believe Kafka's architecture ensures that will while only
one broker will be the leader for a particular partition, and take writes
for that partition, other brokers that are not leader for a particular
partition will eventually be in-sync with the leader for a particular
partition. So, I don't think you need to worry about sending your messages
to VIP and having to direct where messages end up with manual
load-balancing, even if your messages are assigned to a partition randomly.

*Terry Bates*

*Email: *
*Phone: (*412) 215-0881
*Skype*: terryjbates

On Wed, Jul 15, 2015 at 5:19 PM, Sandy Waters <>

> Hi all,
> Do I need to load balance against the brokers?  I am using the python
> driver and it seems to only want a single kafka broker host.  However, in a
> situation where I have 10 brokers, is it still fine to just give it one
> host.  Does zookeeper and kafka handle the load balancing and redirect my
> push somewhere else?
> Would it hurt if I load balanced with Nginx and had it do round robin to
> the brokers?
> Much thanks for any help.
> -Sandy

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