
I'm not sure about the high level consumer but I maintain a kafka consumer
that can add and remove topics dynamically.

if you're using java/scala

On Thu, Sep 10, 2015 at 3:48 PM, Helleren, Erik <erik.helle...@cmegroup.com>

> So, there are several ways to do this.  Lets assume the goal is to add
> more topics to the application at runtime.  And that this app is currently
> written to be distributed via the magic of consumer groups.  Sadly, I
> don¹t think the High level consumer is well designed for this particular
> use case.  The app would have to poll using something like the topic list
> script (bin/kafka-topics.sh --list Š), close the existing high level
> consumer on a change, and start a new one.  And then do this on all the
> nodes of your application (Should be easier than doing it on just one
> actually).  This would result in a huge latency spike and a problem when
> it comes to migrating the state involved in your example expectation.
> The next option still requires polling, but it needs a custom FT and
> distribution scheme.  There might need a leader so some things only happen
> once.  Just use the simple consumer API, and have one thread per
> partition.  The leader would have to tell a follower something like ³Start
> listening to topic X, partition Y², which is risky and difficult to do.
> The simplest option, assuming that each topic is independent when it comes
> to expectations, is don¹t go with a cluster.  Just have a script/watcher
> app that does the polling and then, when it detects new topics, for each
> new topic: start a new instance of your app on a new box that listens to
> that single topic.  It might take a few seconds to startup, but its easy
> to code, easy to maintain, and easy to understand.  Which makes for a more
> resilient application.
> -Erik
> From:  Joris Peeters <j.peet...@wintoncapital.com>
> Reply-To:  "users@kafka.apache.org" <users@kafka.apache.org>
> Date:  Thursday, September 10, 2015 at 6:09 AM
> To:  "users@kafka.apache.org" <users@kafka.apache.org>
> Subject:  automatically consume from all topics
> Hello,
> Is there a simple way to set up a consumer that automatically picks up all
> the topics for all the partitions, dynamically extending its range as new
> topics get created?
> The underlying idea is that we want to have a few over-arching consumers
> (I¹m aware that¹s not great for the scalability, but that¹s not such a
> concern at present), to
> -
> Gather various statistics, metrics, system pressure, Š and dispatch to the
> appropriate  monitoring systems,
> -
> Apply some end-to-end business-logic testing, to continuously assert
> certain expectations (e.g. ³if this-sort-of message arrived, then we
> expect that-sort-of-message to be received within this time² etc).
> I¹m sure I can piece something together that does this, but perhaps it
> comes out of the box. (Couldn¹t find it, though).
> We¹re using the Java client and Kafka 8.2.1.
> Joris Peeters
> Developer
> Research and Data Technology
> T:
> +44 (0) 20 8576 5800
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