
At my organization we are already using kafka in a few areas, but  we're
looking to expand our use and we're struggling with how best to distribute
our events on to topics.

We have on the order of 30 different kinds of events that we'd like to
distribute via kafka.  We have one or two consumers that have a need to
consume many of these types of events (~20 out of the 30) and we have other
consumers that are only interested in one type of event.

We're trying to decide between a model where we have one topic containing
many kinds of events or a model where we have many topics each containing
one type of event.  We have also thought about mixed models where we have
one large topic that we later break down in to smaller ones or we have many
small topics that we later coming in to a large topic.

I'm curious to hear about best practices and past experiences from the
members of this group.  What is the general best practice for reusing
topics or creating new ones?  What has worked well in the past?  What
should we be considering while making this decision?

Thanks in advance!

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