
Nice to know another usage of Kafka

Could you tell how much load does the first and second level Kafka clusters

What is your write throughput, and end-to-end latency, for how long do you
hold data in Kafka and how many minimum in-sync replicas you've chosen?

On Oct 10, 2015 1:41 AM, "Cory Kolbeck" <ckolb...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi folks,
> I thought this list might find a case study interesting. Urban Airship just
> released a new product, Connect, that uses Kafka heavily. We released some
> discussion of the why and how we built it at
> https://www.urbanairship.com/blog/why-we-built-urban-airship-connect and
> https://www.urbanairship.com/blog/how-we-built-urban-airship-connect
> respectively. The posts aren't hugely in depth engineering wise, but I hope
> folks find them interesting.
> Cory Kolbeck
> Senior Data Engineer
> Urban Airship

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