I'm not really sure but I think kafka-reassing-partitions.sh only works to
move partitions between instanses of the same cluster

If you have two separete clusters, it is not going to work. Are you using
two different zookeeper clusters, or simply adding instance to the existing

On Sun, Nov 1, 2015 at 1:18 PM, John Yost <hokiege...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Everyone,
> I need to migrate my organization's Kafka cluster along with the underlying
> Zookeeper ensemble (cluster) from one set of racks to another within our
> data center. I am pretty sure I have the steps correct, but I need to
> confirm just to ensure I am not missing anything.
> Here's what I think I need to do in the following order:
> 1. Configure new Zookeeper ensemble
> 2. Configure brokers for new Kafka cluster, with zookeeper.connect list of
> new Zookeeper ensemble nodes
> 3. Startup new Zookeeper ensemble
> 4. Startup new Kafka cluster
> 5. Shutdown data feeds to old Kafka cluster and reconfigure for new cluster
> 6. Migrate topics from old Kafka brokers to new brokers via
> kafka-reassign-partitions.sh script and the instructions here:
> http://kafka.apache.org/082/documentation.html#basic_ops_cluster_expansion
> 7. Export consumer offsets from old Zookeeper ensemble and import into new
> Zookeeper ensemble
> 8. Shutdown old Kafka cluster
> 9. Restart data feeds into new Kafka cluster
> The Kafka documentation is great and I've tested out the topic reassignment
> and consumer offset import and export, but, again, just want to ensure I am
> not missing anything.
> Thanks
> --John

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