On Wed, Dec 2, 2015 at 10:44 PM, Krzysztof Ciesielski <
krzysztof.ciesiel...@softwaremill.pl> wrote:

> Hello,
> I’m the main maintainer of Reactive Kafka - a wrapper library that
> provides Kafka API as Reactive Streams (
> https://github.com/softwaremill/reactive-kafka).
> I’m a bit concerned about switching to Kafka 0.9 because of the new
> Consumer API which doesn’t seem to fit well into this paradigm, comparing
> to the old one. My main concerns are:
> 1. Our current code uses the KafkaIterator and reads messages
> sequentially, then sends them further upstream. In the new API, you cannot
> control how many messages are returned with poll(), so we would need to
> introduce some kind of in-memory buffering.
> 2. You cannot specify which offsets to commit. Our current native
> committer (
> https://github.com/softwaremill/reactive-kafka/blob/4055e88c09b8e08aefe8dbbd4748605df5779b07/core/src/main/scala/com/softwaremill/react/kafka/commit/native/NativeCommitter.scala)
> uses the OffsetCommitRequest/Response API and
> kafka.api.ConsumerMetadataRequest/Response for resolving brokers. Switching
> to Kafka 0.9 brings some compilation errors that raise questions.
> My questions are:
> 1. Do I understand the capabilities and limitations of new API correctly?
> :)

The first limitation is correct - poll() may return any number of records
and you need to handle this.
The second is not correct - commitSync() can take a map of TopicPartition
and Offsets, so you would only commit specific offsets of specific

> 2. Can we stay with the old iterator-based client, or is it going to get
> abandoned in future Kafka versions, or discouraged for some reasons?

It is already a bit behind - only the new client includes support for
secured clusters (authentication and encryption). It will get deprecated in
the future.

> 3. Can we still use the OffsetCommitRequest/Response API to commit
> messages manually? If yes, could someone update this example:
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/Committing+and+fetching+consumer+offsets+in+Kafka
>  or
> give me a few hints on how to do this with 0.9?

AFAIK, the wire protocol and the API is not going anywhere. Hopefully you
can use the new objects we provide in the clients jar

> By the way, we’d like our library to appear on the Ecosystem Wiki, I’m not
> sure how to request that officially :)

Let us know what to write there and where to link :)

> —
> Bests,
> Chris
> SoftwareMill

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