> On Jan 28, 2016, at 5:06 PM, Ewen Cheslack-Postava <e...@confluent.io> wrote:
> Randall,
> Great question. Ideally you wouldn't need this type of state since it
> should really be available in the source system. In your case, it might
> actually make sense to be able to grab that information from the DB itself,
> although that will also have issues if, for example, there have been
> multiple schema changes and you can no longer get a previous schema from
> the current state of the tables.
> The offset storage is probably pretty close to what you're looking for,
> although we obviously structure that very narrowly. Adding in some sort of
> other state store is an interesting idea, though I'd be curious how many
> other systems encounter similar challenges. I think one way to do this
> without huge changes and in a way that properly handles offset commits
> would be to expose a small API for setting local state and have Connect
> store that state right in the same topic (and message) as offsets. To
> handle offset commits and reviving tasks that hit a fault, we would just
> grab the current state as part of the process of committing offsets. Then
> offsets would just be a special case of that more general state.
> However, I'm also wary of doing something like this. Right now every worker
> has to consume the entire offsets topic. This works fine because offsets,
> while capable of being pretty complex, are generally pretty small such that
> there's no concern having to tail it on all workers (and no concern for the
> load on brokers leading those partitions). Once you provide a generic state
> storage mechanism without clear constraints on how it should be used,
> someone will come along and abuse it. Also, with offsets it is very clear
> (to the connector developer) which task should write to which keys (where
> the key here is the partition of the source partitioned stream). With
> support for arbitrary state, ownership of different subsets of the key
> space is very unclear. I think you may not have that particular problem
> because you probably only have 1 partition anyway since you are reading a
> transaction log.
> In any case, you're right that this doesn't exist today. There is one very
> hacky way to get around this, which is to store that schema information in
> your "offsets". This may not be *too* bad -- it'll increase the size of
> offset data, but probably doesn't affect much else. The data size may not
> be that bad as long as offsets aren't committed too frequently. In terms of
> performance, I'm assuming these schema changes are relatively rare, and you
> can just include the same schema object in every offset you create during
> the periods between schema changes so you (and the GC) are probably only
> doing a negligible amount of extra work.
> Re: creating a consumer, Connect doesn't provide any utilities to do that
> since the goal is to handle everything Kafka-related for the connector
> developer so they can just focus on getting the data from the other system!
> We could consider exposing some of the worker config though, which I
> imagine is all you really need -- it'd just be convenient to have the
> connection info for the Kafka brokers.
> Finally, I'd love to know which DB you're reading the transaction log from
> and if you're planning on open sourcing the connector:)

+1! I'd like to know what DB you're working on too!


> -Ewen
> On Thu, Jan 28, 2016 at 6:12 AM, Randall Hauch <rha...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Rather than leave this thread so open ended, perhaps I can narrow down to
>> what I think is the best approach. These accumulations are really just
>> additional information from the source that don’t get written to the normal
>> topics. Instead, each change to the accumulated state can be emitted as
>> source records on a dedicated topic. That is very straightforward with the
>> existing Kafka Connect.
>> The challenge I’m struggling with is how a task can/should, upon startup,
>> *consume* that stream to rebuild its state. I can set up my own Kafka
>> consumer for that topic, but IIUC now my connector config has to include
>> much of the same information included in the Kafka Connect workers
>> configuration.
>> Am I just missing how a connector can see the worker configuration
>> properties? Or is there a way that Kafka Connect can help me create a Kafka
>> consumer?
>> Best regards,
>> Randall Hauch
>> On January 28, 2016 at 12:11:07 AM, Randall Hauch (rha...@gmail.com)
>> wrote:
>> I’m creating a custom Kafka Connect source connector, and I’m running into
>> a situation for which Kafka Connect doesn’t seem to provide a solution out
>> of the box. I thought I’d first post to the users list in case I’m just
>> missing a feature that’s already there.
>> My connector’s SourceTask implementation is reading a relational database
>> transaction log. That log contains schema changes and row changes, and the
>> row changes include a reference to the table and the row values. Thus, as
>> the task processes the log, it has to use any schema changes in the log to
>> adjust how it converts subsequent row changes into Kafka source records.
>> Should the task stop and be restarted elsewhere, it can continue reading
>> the transaction log where it left off only if that new task instance can
>> recover the schema state accumulated by an earlier task.
>> While I certainly can use a custom solution to store this state somewhere,
>> it seems like other connectors might benefit from having Kafka Connect
>> include something out of the box. And, this accumulated state (and its
>> history with respect to the source offset at which the state changes) seems
>> like a perfect fit for storing in a Kafka topic.
>> Does Kafka Connect already have a mechanism for tasks to store and recover
>> arbitrary state? If not, then is there interest in adding this capability
>> to Kafka Connect? (If there is interest, then perhaps the dev list is a
>> better venue.)
>> Best regards,
>> Randall Hauch
> --
> Thanks,
> Ewen


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