This timeout is  used while fetching metadata and for blocking when there
is not enough space in the producers memory to store the batches that are
waiting to be sent to kafka brokers.

If you increase your producers memory, reduce your linger time (and also
batch size if required) you will have enough memory and also the batches
will get drained faster.

In this case you will only block MAX 300 ms for the first metadata request.
Subsequent requests should be fast.



On Tue, Feb 2, 2016 at 5:01 AM, vahid karami <> wrote:

> Hi
> I'm using kafka 0.9 in server and clients.
> I want to KafkaProducer send data fast and does not wait long, so I reduced
> to 100 ms. 100 ms is my ideal. And producer send data in less
> than 100 ms.
> But there is problem: document says first time that produce send data it
> fetch topic's metadata and in a busy system it makes I got following error.
> And producer even does not retry sending and nothing send to server.
> TimeoutException failed to update metadata after 100 ms.
> So to fix this problem I finally increased the value of to 300 ms, but it
> causes slowing down my system.
> My question is how to change configs to fix this problem properly???
> thanks in advance

Mayuresh R. Gharat
(862) 250-7125

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