Found the issue.  Our cluster is on AWS, and the third node had not set the property which is required on AWS.  Set that and 
replication completed successfully.

On 05/02/2016 10:17, "Rakesh Vidyadharan" <> wrote:

>After almost a year of running kafka on a single node, we are in the process 
>of migrating to a 3 node cluster.  To test the process we followed the 
>following process:
>  *   Stop our current kafka instance, copy the entire data directory and 
> zookeeper data directories to one of the new nodes
>  *   Configured zookeeper as a three node cluster.
>     *   Started the node where we placed the copied over data first, and then 
> the others.
>     *   Use the zookeeper shell to see if we can see the kafka topics listed 
> on each of the three nodes.
>     *   The primary (assuming the first one with all data is primary as it 
> was started first) and the second node had the topics data, but the third one 
> did not.
>     *   Waited some time, but no data on third node.  The zookeeper shell 
> always exited with an Exception if we tried to execute any commad: 
> org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException$ConnectionLossException:
>     *   Shut down the second zookeeper instance, and almost instantaneously 
> the third node picked up the data.  Restarted the second node, and all three 
> nodes seemed to be operating fine.
>     *   Used the zookeeper shell to create a test node on the first/primary 
> node, and was able to see it on the other two nodes.
>  *   Configured kafka as a three node cluster.
>     *   Started the node where we placed the copied over data first, and then 
> the others.
>     *   Created a test kafka topic with replication factor 3, and saw it 
> appear on all three zookeeper topics list.
>     *   Used to modify the replication factor 
> from 1 to 3 for one of our topics.
>     *   Almost immediately saw the new topic directory being created under 
> the logs directory on second node.  Nothing on the third node.
>     * with verify option still lists the 
> partition reassignment as in progress. Left it like that over-night, and 
> still the same.  The topic has very little data, but still nothing on third 
> node.
>     *   Shut down kafka on second node, to see if the earlier behaviour with 
> zookeeper is replicated, but no such luck.
>     *   Shut down both kafka and zookeeper on second node to see if any data 
> shows up on third node, again no go.
>Any ideas as to what may be going on?  Should we try by copying 
>zookeeper/kafka data directory to all three nodes and then starting them up?

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