Hey guys, 

Is someone using the kafka rest proxy from confluent? 

We have an issue, that all messages for a certain topic end up in the same 
partition. Has anyone faced this issue before? We're not using a custom         
  partitioner class, so it's using the default partitioner. We're sending 
messages without a specific partition and without a key, like this:             

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/vnd.kafka.json.v1+json" --data 
'{"records":[{"value":{"foo":"bar"}}]}' "http://x.x.x.x:8082/topics/testme";     

and yet for some reason every message ends up in partition 11... 

It's a test topic with 30 partitions on 3 brokers and our rest (producer) 
config is very simple:


Any help would be appreciated.


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