In fact, KIP-41 has been implemented in trunk -- see Testing against a version
including that change would be greatly appreciated to ensure it fully
addresses the problems you're seeing.


On Wed, Mar 2, 2016 at 7:00 AM, Olson,Andrew <> wrote:

> This topic is currently being discussed at
> and
> On 3/2/16, 8:11 AM, "Vanessa Gligor" <> wrote:
> >Hello,
> >
> >I am using Kafka higher consumer 0.9.0. I am not using the auto commit for
> >the offsets, so after I consume the messaged (poll from Kafka) I will have
> >to commit the offsets manually.
> >
> >The issue that I have is actually that the processing of the messages
> takes
> >longer than 30s (and I cannot call poll again, before these messages are
> >processed) and when I try to commit the offset a exception is thrown:
> >ERROR o.a.k.c.c.i.ConsumerCoordinator - Error ILLEGAL_GENERATION occurred
> >while committing offsets for group MetadataConsumerSpout.
> >(I have found on stackoverflow this explanation: so if you wait for longer
> >that the timeout request then the coordinator for the topic will kickout
> >the consumer because it will think is dead and it will rebalance the
> group)
> >
> >In order to get rid of this I have thought about a couple of solutions:
> >
> >1. The configuration has a maximum value, so if I try
> to
> >set it to 60 seconds, also I get an exception, because this value is not
> in
> >the valid interval.
> >
> >2. I have tried to find a solution to get a paginated request when the
> >polling method is called - no success.
> >
> >3. I have tried to send a heart beat from the outside of the poll (because
> >this method sends the heartbeats) - no success.
> >
> >
> >Thank you.
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