>Hi Christopher,

>On Mon, Mar 21, 2016 at 3:53 PM, christopher palm <cpa...@gmail.com> wrote:

>> Does Kafka support SSL authentication and ACL authorization without
>> Kerberos?

>Yes. The following branch modifies the blog example slightly to only allow
>SSL authentication.


>If so, can different clients have their own SSL certificate on the same
>> broker?


I tried the “ssl-only” branch but am getting the following error:

[vagrant@kafka ~]$ kafka-console-producer --broker-list kafka.example.com:9093 
--topic securing-kafka --producer.config /etc/kafka/producer_ssl.properties


[2016-03-21 22:08:46,744] WARN Error while fetching metadata with correlation 
id 0 : {securing-kafka=TOPIC_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED} 

[2016-03-21 22:08:46,748] ERROR Error when sending message to topic 
securing-kafka with key: null, value: 4 bytes with error: Not authorized to 
access topics: [securing-kafka] 

I did not set topic level ACL, since I do not know the Principal name to use 
for --allow-principal parameter of kafka-acls

Any suggestions ?

>In reading the following security article, it seems that Kerberos is an
>> option but not required if SSL is used.

>That's right.


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