Another thought: Brokers replicate data in. So a record weighing 10 bytes
will be written out once for replication and one more time to a consumer so
it will be 20 bytes out. Makes sense?
On Thu, 14 Apr 2016 at 02:46 Jorge Rodriguez <> wrote:

> Thanks for your response Asaf.  I have 4 brokers.  These measurements are
> from the kafka brokers.
> This measurement on this graph comes from Kafka.  It is a sum across all 4
> brokers of the
> metric: kafka.server.BrokerTopicMetrics.BytesInPerSec.1MinuteRate.
> But I also have a system metric which I feed independently using collectd
> "interface" plugin.  And the bytes out and in match the ones reported by
> kafka fairly well.  As well there is a corresponding increase in network
> packets sent.
> Also, in the SparkStreaming side, I can see that during these spikes, the
> number of received packets and bytes also spikes.
> So during the spikes, I believe that some of the fetch requests are perhaps
> failing and we hit a retry.  I am debugging that currently and I think it's
> related to the STW GC which happens on spark streaming occasionally.
> Working on some GC tuning should alleviate this.
> However, even if this is the case, this would not explain though why under
> normal operations, the number of bytes out is 2x the number of bytes in.
> Since I only have 1 consumer for each topic, I would expect the numbers to
> be fairly close.  Do you
> On Tue, Apr 12, 2016 at 8:31 PM, Asaf Mesika <>
> wrote:
> > Where exactly do you get the measurement from? Your broker? Do you have
> > only one? Your producer? Your spark job?
> > On Mon, 11 Apr 2016 at 23:54 Jorge Rodriguez <>
> wrote:
> >
> > > We are running a kafka cluster for our real-time pixel processing
> > > pipeline.  The data is produced from our pixel servers into kafka, and
> > then
> > > consumed by a spark streaming application.  Based on this, I would
> expect
> > > that the bytes in vs bytes out should be roughly equal, as each message
> > > should be consumed once.
> > >
> > > Under normal operations, the bytes out is a little less than 2X the
> bytes
> > > in.  Does anyone know why this is?  We do use a replication factor of
> 2.
> > >
> > > Occasionally, we get a spike in Bytes out.  But bytes in remain the
> same
> > > (see image below).  This correlates with a significant delay in
> > processing
> > > time in the spark streaming side.
> > >
> > > Below is a chart of kafka reported bytes out vs in.  The system level
> > > network metrics show the same information (transferred bytes spike).
> > >
> > > Could anyone provide some tips for debugging/getting to the bottom of
> > this
> > > issue?
> > >
> > > Thanks,
> > > Jorge
> > >
> > > *Kafka reported Bytes in Per topic and for all topics vs Kafka bytes
> > out:*
> > >
> > > [image: Inline image 1]
> > >
> >

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