I don't think it's possible since the offsets of both clusters can be
different, you don't know if it will work correctly. When I used the mirror
maker accidentally on the  __consumer_offsets topic it also gave some
errors, so I don't know if it's technically possible. A possible future
solution would be to use the timestamp, and store it in the consumer
itself, then on a reconnect use that value to go to the correct location.

On Wed, May 11, 2016 at 4:20 PM Ben Stopford <benstopf...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi
> I’m looking at failing-over from one cluster to another, connected via
> mirror maker, where the __consumer_offsets topic is also mirrored.
> In theory this should allow consumers to be restarted to point at the
> secondary cluster such that they resume from the same offset they reached
> in the primary cluster. Retries in MM will cause the offsets to diverge
> somewhat, which would in turn cause some reprocessing of messages on
> failover, but this should be a better option than resorting to the
> earliest/latest offset.
> Does anyone have experience doing this?
> Thanks
> Ben

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