I have a use case that would benefit from reading from a kafka topic in
reverse order.  I saw some similar questions on this in the mailing list,
but didn't see a way to do this discussed with the 0.9 consumer api.

Is it possible to do this in the 0.9 consumer api?  I don't need it to be
super fast.  We'll be using the process a small number of times per week
and am ok with some slower performance.

I noticed that the simple consumer API had a way to get offsets
(getOffsetsBefore), but didn't find the corresponding method in the 0.9

If that getOffsetsBefore method existed, I could do something like:
- stopOffset = getOffsetsBefore(<now>)
- startReadOffset = getOffsetsBefore(<now - 30mins>)
- read from startReadOffset until stopOffset
- then repeat until we don't get anymore offsets (so next read would be
[now-60mins] until [now-30mins])

Is that possible or something easier possible?



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