Hello Gaspar,

In your case, a single topic can have messages in different format, and my
guess is that they usually have different semantics (e.g. one format for
data record, and another format for control message / error log / etc).

In this case, I'd suggest similar solutions as you mentioned, to either
"filter" out the non-related messages or "branch" this topic into multiple
streams based on their data format with a String-with-manual-Json serde
first, before doing the actual processing. Kafka Streams has the
corresponding filter / branch operators in the high-level DSL for these


On Mon, Jul 4, 2016 at 1:46 AM, Gaspar Muñoz <gmu...@stratio.com> wrote:

> Hi there,
> my question is about Kafka Streams. I'm writting an application using
> Streams. I read JSON from Kafka topic and I make some transformations.
> I'm using
> Serde<JsonNode> jsonNodeSerder = Serdes.serdeFrom(new JsonSerializer(), new
> JsonDeserializer());
> KStream<String, JsonNode> kStream = builder.stream(Serdes.String(),
> jsonNodeSerder, topic);
> If, unluckily, we receive a non-json message, JsonDeserializer launch a
> throw new SerializationException("Error serializing JSON message", e);
> and streams threads die so the entire application dies. In order to make
> robust my application  I have to skip this errors and send the error
> message to another topic to be analyzed.
> Currently I've implemented MyOwnJSONDeserializer extends Kafka
> JsonDeserializer and I catch and manage the exception but this don't seems
> really clean to me.
> How would you manage this errors? I thought I might have used String SerDe
> and "manually" convert to JsonNode, is there any better solution?
> Thanks.

-- Guozhang

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