This is un-expected. Any error logs / exceptions did you see from the
clients when they can no longer send / fetch from brokers?


On Mon, Jul 18, 2016 at 8:59 AM, Luo, Chao <> wrote:

> Dear Kafka fans,
> I have a concern of testing Kafka fault tolerance. Or may I did not
> configure it right.
> I have two kafka servers and one zookeeper, which are running on three
> different AWS EC2 instances. I created a topic with one partition and two
> replica. First, the two kafka servers were running and everything was
> perfect. After I shut down the leader for my topic, the producer and the
> consumer just stopped working. Why did Kafka system stop working? I did not
> see any fault tolerance here. However, when I restarted the leader (I just
> shut down ), the producer and consumer started to work again. Here is my
> topic description:
> Topic:fast-messages     PartitionCount:1        ReplicationFactor:2
>  Configs:
>         Topic: fast-messages    Partition: 0    Leader: 1       Replicas:
> 1,0   Isr: 1,0
> Any comments or suggestions are highly appreciated!
> Thanks!
> Chao

-- Guozhang

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