This recently came up on the list, check out:

On Mon, Aug 15, 2016 at 10:46 AM, Digumarthi, Prabhakar Venkata Surya <> wrote:

> Hi All,
> We are using kafka version 0.9 and we are facing issues, in kafka
> connecting to zookeeper.
> Here are mode details:
> Zookeeper is in front AWS Elastic Load Balancer and the ELB has been
> associated with a DNS name, say
> Our broker configuration looks the below
> zookeeper.connect=,,zookerper3
> .com:2181
> But what’s happening is Kafka is storing the IP of the zookeeper it first
> resolves and is using the same for connecting to zookeeper. Some times our
> ELB Ip address are changing and hence kafka is never able to connect to
> zookeeper.
> Is there any configuration we can do to kafka to use the DNS name of
> zookeeper always ?
> Thanks,
> Prabhakar
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