Can someone help on this topic?
Thank you


Il Mer 27 Lug 2016 12:26 Enrico Olivelli - Diennea <
enrico.olive...@diennea.com> ha scritto:

> Hi,
> I'm running Kafka launching KafkaServerStartable inside my JVM (I'm using
> version
> I'm accessing the internal KafkaServer field using reflection
> Field serverField = kafkaServer.getClass().getDeclaredField("server");
> serverField.setAccessible(true);
> KafkaServer server = (KafkaServer) serverField.get(kafkaServer);
> byte state = server.brokerState().currentState();
> What is the best way to ask KafkaServer its state ?
> I see that the 'brokerState' is not very useful
> Sometimes the server stops working, for instance due to ZK session
> expiration, but the broker remains in RunningAsBroker state.
> Second question ? If it is not possibile to dig into Broker status (and in
> fact I would prefer not to do), is there some flag to auto-kill the broker
> in case of serious problems (ZK, Disk space....)
> I can send some logs, but I prefer to treat it as a blackbox, as far as it
> is possible
> Thank you
> --
> Enrico Olivelli
> Software Development Manager @Diennea
> Tel.: (+39) 0546 066100 - Int. 925
> Viale G.Marconi 30/14 - 48018 Faenza (RA)
> MagNews - E-mail Marketing Solutions
> http://www.magnews.it
> Diennea - Digital Marketing Solutions
> http://www.diennea.com
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-- Enrico Olivelli

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